About This Blog

This blog was originally started as a thread on the forum pages of an animal rescue site. Now it's here!

The articles you find in here are purely for entertainment (yours and mine) and (with one or two exceptions) are all tongue-in-cheek chronicles of the World (my bit, anyway) as I see it.
No disrespect is intended towards anyone unless I make a mistake and make it too obvious.

I hope you enjoy my offerings. Feedback and comments of any kind are welcome.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Catch Up

Alas, all good things must come to an end!

For the time being that is.

Instead of a humorous look at what our wildlife get's up to, you will be entertained (debatable) once more by my literary ramblings.


I know!

You would all rather see more of those fantastic pictures ... I do have a few more ... but I'm afraid you will just have to wait for the next time I find myself snowed under with work.

I have some catching up to do and there are a fair number of blogs, which I have neglected for several days, to peruse and perhaps comment on. But, dear readers, normal service is about to resume and although I cannot promise you an extravaganza of textual bliss, I shall endeavour to entertain you in the way to which you have become accustomed.

Who said "Oh no!"?

I will try to inject humour into what would otherwise be just an endless stream of mundane events linked, as it were, only by the fact that I, in some small way, played a part in them.

So ... loosen up your jaw muscles for there is plenty of yawning yet to do.

But for now, as it is 2.45am, I will bid you all (wherever you are) a very good morning/night/afternoon!


Any and all comments are welcome ...