About This Blog

This blog was originally started as a thread on the forum pages of an animal rescue site. Now it's here!

The articles you find in here are purely for entertainment (yours and mine) and (with one or two exceptions) are all tongue-in-cheek chronicles of the World (my bit, anyway) as I see it.
No disrespect is intended towards anyone unless I make a mistake and make it too obvious.

I hope you enjoy my offerings. Feedback and comments of any kind are welcome.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Empty Pockets And Stomach Rumbles

Today I accompanied my client to the fair.

Not a big, fancy fair with fun rides and candy-floss and stuff.

No. It was a charity fair with a coconut shy, hoopla, BBQ, a tombola and plants and stuff for sale.

I thought 'Whoo-hoo! Time to let the good times roll!'.  I thought that a mere 8.5 seconds before I realised that I had no money with me.

I was, in a word, broke.

I'd forgotten to go to an ATM before collecting my client this morning and I only had 26 pence to my name.

There were sausages, burgers, crepes, and a large variety of tooth-rotting candy just waiting to be devoured ... and I was broke!

OK, so technically I wasn't (an am not) flat broke.  I have money.  It just wan't in my pocket when all the those aroma's found their way through the forest that is my moustache and into my nose.

Normally ... that is to say when I have money in my pockets ... I can go the whole day (6.30am to 17.30pm) without eating and I'm never plagued with hunger pangs, intestinal rumbles of desperation or those "boi-oi-oing" noises that emanate from the mid-section.

I survive on the occasional tic-tac or stick of chewing gum without any problems.


Well, today the thought of my empty pockets drove me nuts and wherever I went I was accompanied by a full intestinal orchestral, which my client found hilarious.

From the moment that first burger started to burn on the grill to the moment I had to take my client home, my stomach played, much to the amusement of anyone nearby, wonderful music, which was referred to by one lady in the crowd as "The Feedmenow Overture in C,D and F".

After dropping my client (who had money and was lucky that I didn't mug him for it) safely back home, I made a mad dash to the nearest ATM with every intention of going to any old greasy-spoon cafe for a huge plate of burger & chips.

But, as things turned out, my aroma induced ravenous hunger had disappeared by the timewe pulled into his driveway.

Lucky me!

I'm home now and I've just enjoyed a coffee with a biscuit so for the moment, I am satisfied.

It's 16.20pm and soon I'll be cooking the evening meal.

I was thinking of burgers, but I don't think anyone else will appreciate them as much as I will.

Perhaps if I throw in a salad?


  1. If they will not appreciate the burgers, that means more burgers for you!

  2. i hate it when i forget to get money before an outing! i think you should still make the burgers.

  3. I succumbed to an overwhelming urge to make plumb & ginger (sauce) stir fry after telling everyone they would get fish and chips.

    what can I say?

    I'm a mug for nice food!

  4. That always happens to me as well! Usually, can do without until I happen to be without cash!


Any and all comments are welcome ...