About This Blog

This blog was originally started as a thread on the forum pages of an animal rescue site. Now it's here!

The articles you find in here are purely for entertainment (yours and mine) and (with one or two exceptions) are all tongue-in-cheek chronicles of the World (my bit, anyway) as I see it.
No disrespect is intended towards anyone unless I make a mistake and make it too obvious.

I hope you enjoy my offerings. Feedback and comments of any kind are welcome.

Monday, 28 February 2022

My Dicky Ticker


I've told you about the house move. This was supposed to be a follow on post describing our efforts to get the outside looking the way we wanted it to however, as in with all best laid plans, there was a hiccup.

It began on Saturday night when I was walking Nancy and houseguest Lola.Less than a hundred or yards from home I had a very small heart attack. Of course. at the time I didn't realise exactly what it was. It felt as if I'd had a good lung full of very cold air and lasted  only a few minutes.

The following morning (Sunday 27th Feb. 2022) I was woken by the dogs as they'd decided it was time for breakfast. I swung my legs out of bed and almost immediately felt as if I'd just had someone stamp on my chest. Breathing was very difficult and my shoulders and elbows ached like hell.  

Dizziness followed shortly after and I began to pop sweat. As I stood up my legs began to shake and I became very unsteady.

It didn't take a genius to realise what was happening.

A heart attack!

My wife called the ambulance and, after I'd given them my symptoms, they despatched paramedics to my home. Within the hour I was on my way to Cramlington Hospital. I was devastated that they didn't arrive with sirens blaring!

Once in hospital, I was whizzed straight though A&E to the Ambulatory Care Ward. Another ECG was carried out (I'd had one a t home and one in the ambulance) and I was given blood thinners prior to and examination and blood tests. My heart sounded normal, even though my chest still felt as if a rugby scrum was jostling back and forth for the ball, but both blood tests confirmed that I'd had a heart attack.

Scary, eh?

Actually no! I was more annoyed because it hurt rather than scared.

It's strange because nurses repeated said "don't be scared. You're in the right place to be looked after." During the course of the morning I did realise the seriousness of it all but I still wasn't worried.
Sporadic ECG's (I was covered in about 15 little receptor pads) were carried out by the nurses as they tried, unsuccessfully, to catch my heart being 'naughty' (as one nurse described it).

After a little over 8 hours and after a multitude of tests, medications and the most disgusting spray under the tongue (It was horrible but relieved my chest pressure), I was moved onto a cardio ward where I sit typing this. Overnight I hardly slept due to the discomfort in my chest and arms. It was pointless anyway as my blood pressure and temperature was taken at regular intervals.

The good thing is that the medication finally took hold at about 5.30am (Monday 28th Feb) and I could feel the pain subsiding. By 8am I was right as rain,

Breakfast was served (Weetabix and toast) and I ordered my usual coff of cuppee. Much to my delight I got my cup of coffee without even the slightest sign that the nurse had heard anything different. I've done it at least four times over the day and only got one funny look from a very severe looking ward sister. I still got the coffee but she now keeps her distance and looks at me with a very strange expression on her face.

Anyway, you my dear reader, will be very pleased to learn that I am being very well looked after and I'm currently awaiting a transfer to another, more specialised hospital in a few days. 

I'll keep you posted.


  1. At least you sound cheerful George! Was it caused by a blood clot or a heart defect?
    Is your. Doggy hotel closed for now?
    Wishing you well
    Sandie Cowell

    1. Caused by an artery blockage. Doggy business is closed until 4th of April.

  2. Frightening: I hope you are improving.

    1. All better now. It was getting Covid and breaking a bone in my foot (within two weeks of the heart attack) that messed me up.

  3. Frightening: I hope you are doing better.


Any and all comments are welcome ...