About This Blog

This blog was originally started as a thread on the forum pages of an animal rescue site. Now it's here!

The articles you find in here are purely for entertainment (yours and mine) and (with one or two exceptions) are all tongue-in-cheek chronicles of the World (my bit, anyway) as I see it.
No disrespect is intended towards anyone unless I make a mistake and make it too obvious.

I hope you enjoy my offerings. Feedback and comments of any kind are welcome.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Mad Lady

When Sym (my dog) was young I started taking him to Hailey Park (Cardiff) for walks. 

A friend said to me "Watch out for the mad lady! She walks around Hailey Park".

So I was always wary of the "Mad Lady".

We started fostering for Four Paws shortly after that and I used to walk around Hailey Park with another FP fosterer. I asked her if she knew anything about the "Mad Lady" and she replied that she had never heard of any stories about a mad woman wandering around the park.

Then, one day, just after I'd said goodbye the her, I bumped into the friend who had originally warned me about the "Mad Lady". 

He rushed up to me looking somewhat panicked.

"What d'ya think you're doing? Why're you hanging out with the Mad Lady?" he screamed (in a sort of
loud whisper, actually).

Apparently, I'd been walking my dog in the company of the "Mad Lady" for weeks and never realised it!
People know me in the park as "The Cheese Man", at least to my face.

It does make me wonder what they say behind my back though.
It's all a matter of perception, I s'pose!


  1. Exactly right...One mans mad lady is anothers perfectly fine companion.
    I've no idea what people say behind my back, more than that though...I dont care!

    1. Hmmm!You've got me thinking that maybe I should tell you what everyone is saying about you!

  2. The Mad Lady and the Cheese Man - I imagine they would get along quite well.

    1. She might read my responses so I have to be careful ... NOT!

      We only get along because I'm not allowed to give her a slap!
      We just both like dogs!

  3. It's all perception, isn't it. I try hard not to accept other people's opinions about people. I tend to like folks that are quirky and a bit disjointed--mad!

    1. I like the nut-jobs too! But only to a given standard of nut!

  4. Perceptions and opinions are like bottom holes everybody has one and some are bigger than others. As for what people say behind my back i don't really care because i've probably heard it all before :-).

    1. I'm hearing new stuff about myself all the time!

  5. At least you are making nice new friends.


Any and all comments are welcome ...