About This Blog

This blog was originally started as a thread on the forum pages of an animal rescue site. Now it's here!

The articles you find in here are purely for entertainment (yours and mine) and (with one or two exceptions) are all tongue-in-cheek chronicles of the World (my bit, anyway) as I see it.
No disrespect is intended towards anyone unless I make a mistake and make it too obvious.

I hope you enjoy my offerings. Feedback and comments of any kind are welcome.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010


(Originally Posted on November 06, 2009)

When Mr. Saveloy, a school teacher, met Mr. Cohen, a barbarian and leader of the Silver Horde*, he very quickly found that  he began to like him.  His honesty and simply code of right and wrong very soon had Mr. Saveloy wishing he too was a barbarian.  Up until that point Mr. Saveloy's greatest battle had been in trying to keep discipline in the classroom.  So he became a member of Ghengiz Cohen's Silver Horde.

As Mr. Saveloy (aka Teach) reminisced, having been with the 'Horde' for a while, it was hard for him to remember having ever done anything else.

So ... is it just me, or is ithe same for other doggy people?  Because I can't really remember NOT having a dog, and can't imagine myself EVER being without one!

Ramble over ... I'm finding it hard to concentrate what with the noise of four dogs snoring.

Although there are quite a few folks logged on in the mornings, nothing much seems to be happening.  Anyway, shouldn't the women-folk be hoovering and doing the laundry n stuff?

*Interesting Times by T. Pratchett

Early Mornings

(Originally Posted on November 05, 2009)

Why do I get up early on day's off? I blame it on the dogs saying "Someone's got to be there for them",  but the truth is, dog's or no dog's, I'd get up anyway.  I've slipped into a routine which, if truth be told, drives me mad cos  I like nothing better than to stick two fingers up at the world and carry on sleeping while ev'ryone else is out earning a crust.

But I get so little 'me time' if I'm not out working, up and down between Barry and Merthyr most days, then I'm walking the dogs (thinking time) or cooking or .... well, you can mind your own business about that last 'or'!

So,I guess what I'm saying (typing) is, that early mornings ... and it doesn't matter when I went to bed the night before ... is my time and my space. I will never be truly 'on my own' because of the dog's, but we have an understanding ... they know the score and settle at my feet; no whining, barking or general making a nuisance of themselves ... and it works!

Do you want to know something?  Ev'ryone should 'dribble' on like this!  It helps clear your head of all the jumble that builds up between your ears.

Now, as this is a 'doggy person' forum, here is the latest on my 'pack'.

Last night Ben surprised me again (the first surprise being his age) by bolting up the garden and then back again.  Clover thought it was playtime and took off after him (she's very wary of Ben cos of his age I think) but at a more sedate pace. Sym showed his utter disapproval by cocking his leg on the rotary washing line and Sox, with her usual 'hard done by' look waited by the door to go back into the warmth.

It took some minute's before all of the dogs sorted out their lower- and upper-case P's but when they did, an orderly queue was formed at the door ready to go to bed.  They all got their bedtime cheese and settled down for the night.
Ben accompanied me upstairs and after his 'safety check' prowl around the bedroom, went to sleep on his hot water bottle. I read my book (a Pratchett) until the early hours (more relaxing 'me time') and then I too closed my peepers.

The dogs are still respecting my space and 'me time' as I type, but Sym is looking at me ALL the time ... he know's 'me time' ends with a trip to the park!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

The Bridge and me

(Originally posted on the F.P.A.R. Forum after the death of a forum members's dog)
See full size image
for the departed dear friend. 
A tear; 
to mark our journeys end. 
A smile; 
to remember our past glories. 
A laugh; 
as I recall our funniest stories. 
to know you run free. 
A sigh; 
because you are not with me. 
The bridge; 
takes you to a world full of fun. 
God bless; 
think of me as you run.
See full size image