It's not! We have wall-to-wall clouds and it's raining.
Therefore today's post is relates to dampness ... in a round about kind of way.
Let's go to Hollywood ... the Dream Factory!
How often have you seen a movie or a TV show where a man and woman, usually after some fighting or hilarious (ha!) antics, end up in bed ... you know ... doing rootie-toot!
It happens a lot doesn't it?
No? Well maybe I'm watching the wrong kind of shows, who knows?
Anyway, they do it ... the rootie-tootie stuff.
There is then normally a bit of dialogue revolving around earthquakes or tremors and stuff. Maybe even that old classic; a cigarette.
Then, when it's all over, one of two things happens:
- one or both parties have to suddenly leap out of bed and rush off to be somewhere.
- they fall asleep (cut to next scene)
OK! Are we clear so far?
My point is this: take for example No.1 ... let us say Bob (it's nice to give your characters normal names) receives a phone call just after doing the deed and saying "WOW! You were fantasic!" a lot.
He leaps from the bed, pulls on his clothes and races off to work/meet someone.
OK ... so far so good!
Now here is my point.
Why, when Bob gets to where hes going, does no one ever say "PHWOARR! Bob, you smell like you've just been bonking some woman's brains out!"
As for option 2 ... falling asleep.
Well they do, don't they! They don't 'clean up'!
They dribble!
And there is never any evidence of that age old argument that married couples have after every rumpy-pumpy.
You know the one ...
... the one about who's going to sleep on the damp spot!
Oh, come on!
You ALL know it's true!
(Offended? Noooooo! How can I make things right between us?)