About This Blog

This blog was originally started as a thread on the forum pages of an animal rescue site. Now it's here!

The articles you find in here are purely for entertainment (yours and mine) and (with one or two exceptions) are all tongue-in-cheek chronicles of the World (my bit, anyway) as I see it.
No disrespect is intended towards anyone unless I make a mistake and make it too obvious.

I hope you enjoy my offerings. Feedback and comments of any kind are welcome.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Went the day well?

(Originally posted on December 26, 2009)

Went the day well?

Did you all enjoy the BIG day?

Mine started at 7am to see to the dogs (and to have some 'me' time before it all kicked off).  Julie and I prep'd all the veg on the 24th so on the 25th it was just a case of putting out the prezzies (those not under the tree), having a quick tidy up, laying the table and knackering the dogs in the park(my job again ... more later).

We decided to have a late lunch and the 'outlaws' were invited for 4pm.  All went very, very well for a change and the meal was agreed by all to have been excellent.  We shared cooking duties this year and luckily it wasn't a case of 'to many cooks ... '.

Our only incy-wincy problem was a cream cake that should have been for later ... it sort of melted!  The heat in the kitchen reduced it, much to my disappointment, to a creamy puddle.  I still have it in the fridge, my theory being that it's altered appearance surely cannot make it taste different.  I shall let you know if I am right later ... should I survive the experiment, that is.

Anyway, the BIG day in our house was pretty much the same as the BIG day in yours, so I won't bore you with details such as who got what and what the first argument was about.

As I mentioned above, it was (again) my job ... I mean 'honour' ... to take the 'babes' to the park.  And yesterday, a certain yappy lil' bug'r called Jack accompanied us.  It was his first Park outing and he stayed on the lead, albeit a long one.
I couldn't carry and use a camera as well as Sym's flicky-stick, cheese and hold the lead, so there is an absence of evidence to prove that Jack behaved himself really well.
Sym did his running, sliding, chasing thing and the girls, Sox and Clover wandered around checking out the local doggy news.  Poor old Sox did slip on some ice early in our walk, and she yelped and limped on three legs back to her daddy for some comfort, which she duly received (and a piece of cheese).  After a minute or two, she was fine and wandering again.  But, low and behold, went I called them back to me for a treat she came back on three legs!
"Look at me dad, I hurt my leg!  Gimme loads of fuss and cheese."
After a pat, piece of cheese and a couple of 'good girl's',  she walked away on all four legs again.  She repeated this trick twice more before deciding it was too much effort for one piece of cheese.

Jack loved the park, but not his lead.  If I stopped to pick up poo or Sym's ball, I more often than not had Jack at the end of his lead running on the spot on a patch of ice.  I would have liked to let him off, but I think I would prob'ly have had to chase him all over Cardiff to get him back.

We didn't have much time in the Park, only about an hour and a half, but it was enough to make all four pups crash out when we got home.  I nearly fell asleep myself!

By 11pm yesterday, ev'ryone but your's truly and the pups were in bed, bloated and farting like bears after all those lovely sprouts we had at lunchtime.

I must admit, it had been a good day ... no hostilities and  no unwanted presents ... and no one exploded after all that food.

Happy Boxing (recovery) Day!

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