About This Blog

This blog was originally started as a thread on the forum pages of an animal rescue site. Now it's here!

The articles you find in here are purely for entertainment (yours and mine) and (with one or two exceptions) are all tongue-in-cheek chronicles of the World (my bit, anyway) as I see it.
No disrespect is intended towards anyone unless I make a mistake and make it too obvious.

I hope you enjoy my offerings. Feedback and comments of any kind are welcome.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Tough Blogging And 26 Hours Of Hell!

It would appear that some blogs are, for reasons unknown, unavailable to me this merry morn!

I click, I wait, and I see nothing!

From all those that I follow, less than half have been available to read.  This can really mess up my day!

Some people at this time in the morning can't do without their coffee (intravenously of course to prevent unwarranted hand usage), others will need their fix of cereals or jam on toast ... I need to catch up on what you lot out there have been up to!

But I can't because of some unknown problem (and at least one person having blocked me) and it's so frustrating.

I will have to go to work in a few minutes (it's just gone 6am) and I won't have access to the internet for another 26 hours!

It's gonna be hard and I might not survive, but I'm a roughie-toughie ex-soldier, so I'll not go down without a fight!

Say a prayer for me


  1. i wake up the same way. i think i'd rather skip breakfast then skip blogging.
    wow, your use of "roughie-toughie" somehow kind of undid the manliness of "ex-soldier".

  2. I had the same problem yesterday being blocked and yes it is frustrating :-(.

  3. I had that problem yesterday! And when you are addicted to the computer/blogging/Twitter like I am, it creates quite a problem!

  4. I find some of them I cant leave a comment unless I sign in to google AGAIN even though I sign in to enter Blogger. It's frustrating.
    Is mine one you cant see? just let me know if you can't :)


Any and all comments are welcome ...